Just Because it's Gone Doesn't Mean it's Forgotten

"Always erase your Google history"

Savvy: Okay I'm just going to say this, hearing my language arts teacher say that scares the carp outta me! Note to self, go buy more carp I mean, I'd expect it from my wood teacher and principal, but not from someone you have for the WHOLE YEAR you see EVERY DAY! And don't even get me started with what he might be watching, because if I do, I'll never return to his class! Never!!!!

Brockie: Okay...and your not creepy at all. Brings back memories of last year...not good memories. What was our Lalb (language arts literacy block) teacher doing on yahoo ALL THE TIME! I mean really at least use Google. God, looking at that stuff is probably the only thing the bitch can do on the computer. I'm getting sidetracked but oh well. I hate that lady (she's worse than Mr. Banks and he doesn't understand sarcasm! AKA: my way of life)



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