No Fun

The end of the year is coming and everyone is supposed to be in a good mood! Especially teachers because they get the summer off. Unfortunately one particular LA/LB teacher doesn't get that, or that it downs our summer mood. I mean, he was talking about being buzz kill by giving us open-ended questions over spring break, I think this is worse! He had us watch movies on the holocaust and has been not so nice. Not so nice to the point where nothing he says anymore is funny, just outright annoying. Therefore, I'd like to give you my essay this week on what I think of LA/LB right now:

Mr. Banks is annoying. There is no sense in arguing with annoying people. Therefore, there is no sense arguing with Mr. Banks. Like Elie Wiesel once said "We are angry when we are helpless." I am angry. Therefore, I'm helpless. People feel helpless when their grade is based on the discretion of an idiot. Therefore, My grade is based on the discretion of an idiot. If someone is stupid, then they are an LA/LB teacher. If someone is an LA/LB teacher, then they are stupid. Someone is stupid if and only if they are an LA/LB teacher.

I like using logic to make fun of people, especially when they failed at trying to teach us when we already knew, and they didn't. I also like to use analogies in my writing assignments related to Science, except they don't work when your teacher is to dumb to comprehend such a good analogy, or even what you're talking about in general.

Awkward Turtle Moment

"This story is all about suspense. You know, have you ever played man hunt? You know when you have that really good hiding spot and the person is literally on top of you, and you try not to move? And just then, you have to go. Come on guys! I know you know what I'm talking about, like the nervous pee."

Savvy: I don't know what to say about that day. He was in rare form. He was spitting out so much material, I couldn't get it all down fast enough! That and the day before, so there will be quite a few more good ones to take note of. And I know we all know what that feels like, but do you have to mention it? Or just described it in a less, oh, I don't know inappropriate way. I mean it was funny, but very awkward to hear your LA/LB teacher talking about "the nervous pee". Could have been your friend, your sister, maybe even your pet monkey, but never would I suspect a LA/LB teacher to bring up such a thing? By the way, when was the last time he played man hunt?

Brockie: Umm okay..... HE could have said a feeling in your gut or some but NO he said nervous pee. PEE! Still as Savvy mentioned he was having a great week. He talked about a "special someone" in a way that you couldn't tell if was joking or not. Also, this came up when was talking about manhunt. That brings us to another question. How often does a 29 year old (30 may 20)man play manhunt? Maybe the Asian face is a kid and likes to play. I have no idea nor do i wish to find out. Bottom lines is a would have said Nervous Pee and I told savvy "you should pee yourself" ( in my defense it was first period. I'm lucky if I know my own name."

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